domingo, 17 de julho de 2011

end of the end...

Click here  to hear the music

The song played at the end of the beginning, and at the end of the end.

It seems only fitting. I remember watching this movie (Sorcerer’s Stone) in theatres for the first time and crying when Harry said “I’m not going home, not really.” We always knew that he would go back next year. But now there is no next year. This song epitomizes the beauty of the series. The swelling of the french horns in the middle bring life to the excitement we felt every time we went to see a midnight premier or a midnight release of a book. The very end, the hush of the flute and the ring of the bells and chimes in the percussion bring a somber tone to the reality of our situation. Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home. 
